

Language Rating Description
Python 5/5 Data: nltk, scikit-learn, pandas, numpy;
ML: tensorflow, pytorch, keras;
Others: django, matplotlib
R 5/5 Data: dplyr, data.table, rodbc, e1071;
ML: caret, randomForest, rpart;
Web Dev: RShiny;
Viz: ggplot2, plotly
SQL 5/5 MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, AWS Redshift, AWS RDS
CSS 4/5 NA


Skill # Yrs Experience Examples
Data Science 11 Statistical Modeling, Forecasting, Hypothesis Testing, Visualization, A/B Testing, Experimental Design
Machine Learning 9 Predictive modeling using Regression, Decision Trees, SVM, GBM, Probabilistic Graph Modeling, Statistical Language Modeling, Optimization and Bayesian Modeling
Artificial Intelligence 4 Classical AI Knowledge Reasoning and Representation, Planning, Search. Deep Learning Techniques such as GPT, T5, LLaMA, RNNs, LSTMs, GRUs, GANs, CNNs.

Soft Skills

Skill Explanation
Adaptability Successfully worked in multiple industries and multiple roles. Curious person with an open-minded attitude towards analysis-driven and analytical decision-making. Confident and organized approach towards work.
Teamwork Built teams and worked in many with a democratic leadership style. Active Listener who collaborates and cooperates with exchange of ideas and coordination.
Communication Friendly, empathetic and confident person with excellent presentation skills and communications(verbal and written). Believes in respectful and constructive feedback.


Initiator Analytical Socratic